nscale Invoice Management

Our digital solution to optimise your process.

Speed and effectiveness count in invoice processing. nscale offers both.

Speed and effectiveness count in invoice processing. nscale offers both.

Manual processes are time-consuming and prone to errors.

If you haven’t yet automated your invoice processing, you might be familiar with these annoying tasks: collating, copying, printing, sorting, distributing, typing, correcting, waiting, filing. Are we right? The manual work, the wait times and the distribution delays in invoice processing are imprecise, extensive, expensive – and totally unnecessary.

Your time is valuable – let’s spend it wisely.

Automated, electronic invoice processing frees you up completely from unnecessary work and lets you keep track of all incoming invoices easily – anytime, anywhere.

The ideal invoice management process consists of four digital and automated steps.

Invoice receipt
Incoming invoices are saved centrally in the invoice receipt book and the person responsible for checking is notified. nscale gives them easy access to the invoice, which is also archived and linked to the order documents needed for checking and approval.
Invoice receipt
Invoice checking
nscale speeds up the tedious routine task of carefully and formally checking an invoice. When a document is received and read, a workflow that starts with checking is automatically launched. The software makes this process faster and less prone to error than the conventional analogue approach. Incorrect invoices are spotted straight away and not sent for further processing.
Invoice checking
Invoice approval
Invoice approval is also based on a workflow and, with documents stored centrally, can be conducted by multiple people at the same time, even down to item level. Uncertainty about approval competencies is a thing of the past, saving a great deal of time. It becomes much easier to pay the invoice on time.
Invoice approval
With nscale and the ERP solution so closely intertwined, there is no need to enter data manually during booking. All data is transferred to the ERP or another financial accounting system via an interface, automatically and error-free. Finally, the invoice is archived securely and in line with the law in the relevant business partner file, including the option of using deletion and blocking functions, or defining or automatically assigning retention periods.

nscale IM – the solution for your invoice management


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An efficient and transparent process is the key to your company’s profitability.

Fast processing.

Fast checking.

Fast accounting.

Faster ROI.

Your benefits at a glance

  • Faster approval processes through automation
  • Reduced distribution and wait times
  • Better oversight and transparency
  • No loss of discounts or cashflow squeezes
  • Reduced error probabilities
  • Simple integration into all common ERP systems
  • Based on a stable enterprise information management platform

Key features

  • Automated invoice verification
  • Automated entry of header and accounting item data
  • Digital verification process with structured workflow
  • Splitting of accounting items
  • Easy-to-use verification and accounting functions
  • Data exports in various formats
  • Audit-proof archiving

and much more.